
You have arrived at ‛A Drop of Inspiration’ the approved fanlisting for the alcoholic beverage ‛Guinness Beer’, we are listed under the category Food/Drinks, and sub-category Drinks (Alcoholic) at the Fanlistings Directory. If you would like to know more about this fanlisting and/or Guiness Beer, please visit the about section of the website.

"1759 was a year of inspiration and new beginnings. It was the year of one man seizing the moment and making things happen. It was, in short, the year that Arthur Guinness began brewing - and the start of some pretty marvellous stuff.

It's about getting out there and squeezing out every last drop. Of seeing and doing, rather than sitting back. Of getting your mates together for the match, a gig, a comedy night, a road trip, or even just to try a different pub." - Guinness.com


There is a total of 83 approved members, with 0 waiting to be added. The last update was on January 17, 2025, when Lily joined. This fanlisting was approved on August 27, 2005.

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